Small groups
Grow in Christ - Grow in Community
If you are interested in joining a group or obtaining additional information about a group listed below, please email:
topical groups

The Spirit-Filled Life
If you are interested in living the spirit-filled life and the principles of spirit-filled ministry found in the New Testament, this class is for you.
Leader: John Huffman
Time/Location: Every Sunday, 9:00 A.M. in rooms 102/103
Start Date: On going, everyone is welcome
Cost: No cost

Book Study
This is a 5 week class that will look at the responsibilities and leadership of an Elder according to the Bible. This class is for both men and women who want to know more about an Elders role in the church.
Leader: Ron Stevens
Time/Location: Every Tuesday evening at 6:30 pm at EF
Start Date: September 10th
Cost: No cost

Deep Calls to Deep
This is an established group that is open to new people. The group will make a decision on what they will study at their first meeting, September 11th.
Leaders: Dave and Carol Baas
Time/Location: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 1pm
Location: Please call 402-981-3999
Start Date: on going
Cost: No cost

Monday Morning Quarterback Club
Are you a Husker football fan who likes to talk football and review the previous week's game? This is a chance for you to get together for breakfast and talk football (or any other sport)!
Leader: Ron Stevens
Time/Location: Every Monday
Start Date: On going, everyone is welcome
Cost: Your breakfast meal

Young at Heart
This group is designed for those individuals who are 60 years and older. A variety of activities will be planned throught the year. If ou would like to be added to the YAH Newsletter email list, please contact Bob Barr at 402-699-9610 or email him at rbarrn1@cox.net.
Leader: Dave & Carol Baas
Time/Location: Depends on activity
Start Date: On going
Cost: Depends on activity

Adult Game Night
The Adult Game Night is a relaxed time of Christian fellowship for adults of all ages. We bring snacks to share at 6:00 pm and then play a sociable card game of Court Whist at 7pm.
Leaders: Mike Dickmeyer and Anne McBride
Time/Location: Typically first Friday of the month at 6pm
Location: Emmanuel in rooms 102-103
Start Date: on going
Cost: No cost
couples/family groups

Marriage Matters
This is a group for married couples who want to grow in their marriage relationship & build relationships with others. Eat lunch together after church, group members sign up to help supply meals. Using material from Gary Thomas called "Cherish"
Leaders: Steve & Jean Hempel, Jeff & Sonya Rodgers
Time/Location: 2nd & 4th Sunday of month after church.
Start Date: Sunday, September 8
Cost: $10.00

Family Matters
This is a group for married couples with children or single-parent families. The material and format will be decided as the group evolves. Children are welcome.
Leaders: Pat Eberly, John Gerber
Time/Location: Thursday at 6:30 pm in various homes.
Start Date: This group is ongoing and you may join at anytime
Cost: No cost.

Grace Based Discipline
This small group will meet at Pastor Steve and Andrea's home and they be learning how to read and study the Bible for themselves.
Leaders: Steve and Andrea Swett
Time/Location: 1st and 3rd Sundays at 6pm
6103 N. 148th St.
Start date: September 15th
Cost: No Cost
women's groups

Ladies Bible Study
We will dive into the Romans using the Homiletic method of study. Homiletics is for everyone who wants to study and understand God's word. You don't have to be a Bible scholar, pastor or leader to learn and study the Bible using this method.
Leader: Julie Stalzer
Time/Location: Wednesday, 6:30pm - 8pm at EF
Start Date: Wednesday, September 11th
Cost: No cost just bring your Bible

Women Connecting Women
This group is designed to connect women of all ages with other women of like interests in the hopes of building connections and friendships. Most communication for planning will be done via email.
Leader: Sherry Martin
Time/Location: Potluck Sunday, September 15th at EF. 102/103 after the service
Cost: Depends on the activity.

Damascus Road Prayer Meeting
This group prays for prodigals no matter what the age. If you know and love a prodigal, this is a safe place to share and pray for each other and the prodigals in our lives. If you want to be included in the Zoom meetings please contact Cindy.​
Leader: Cindy Lidgett call 402-250-6496
Time/Location: Every Thursday at 8:00am through Zoom EXCEPT
for the first Thursday of the month when they meet at Emmanuel Start date: On going
Cost: No Cost